

Relational Databases 关系数据库

Database Design

Data Storage and Query

Transaction Management

Relational Model

Structure 结构

关系模型 中:每一个表是一个关系,每一行是一个元组,每一列是一个属性。

  • A relational database consists of a collection of tables.
  • A row in a table represents a relationship among a set of values.
  • The order in which tuples appear in a relation is irrelevant, since a relation is a set of tuples .

Domain 域


  • For each attribute of a relation, there is a set of permitted values , called the domain of that attribute.

  • For all relations r , the domains of all attributes of r be atomic.

Null Value 空值

  • 空值是一种特殊值,表示:取值未知或不存在。
  • 任何域都含有空值。

Schema 模式

Database schema : the logical design of the database.

Database instance : a snapshot of the data in the database at a given instant in time.

例如:instructor = (ID, name, dept_name, salary)

Keys 键

We must have a way to specify how tuples within a given relation are distinguished.

  • superkey : A superkey is a set of one or more attributes that, taken collectively, allow us to identify uniquely a tuple in the relation.
  • candidate key : The superkeys, for which no proper subset is a superkey, are called candidate keys.
  • primary key : A primary key is a candidate key that is chosen by the database designer as the principal means of identifying tuples within a relation.
  • foreign key : A relation, may include among its attributes the primary key of another relation. This attribute is called a foreign key.


  1. A superkey may contain extraneous attributes.

  2. It is possible that several distinct sets of attributes could
    serve as a candidate key.

Schema Diagrams 模式图

Schema diagram = database schema + primary key and foreign key dependencies

Schema Diagrams

Query Languages

A query language is a language in which a user requests information from the database.

Query Languages 通常有两类:

  • procedural:指定查询什么数据以及如何获取数据。
  • declarative:只需指定查询什么数据,不必指定如何查询数据。

Relational Algebra


What is SQL


  • data-definition language (DDL):定义数据库模式。
  • data-manipulation language (DML):表达数据库查询和更新。

但实际上,DDLDML 并不是两种分离的语言。相反地,它们简单地构成单一的数据库语言,比如:SQL。

查询 (query) 是对所求信息进行检索的语句。DML中涉及信息检索的部分称作 query language 。但实践中常将 query language 和 DML 视为同义词。

Domain Types

  • char(n):固定长度字符串(长度为 n )
  • varchar(n):变长度字符串(最大长度为 n )
  • int:整数
  • smallint:小整数
  • numeric(p, d):固定点数(有效数字 p 位,小数点后 d 位)
  • realdouble percision:实数、双精度浮点数
  • float(n):浮点数(有效数字 n 位)

Common Operation

创建 table

user_id char(6) NOT Null,
username varchar(30),
realname varchar(30),
age int,
password varchar(30),
permisson int

创建 procedure


Relational Database Design



设R是一个关系模式,X 和 Y 是 R 的属性集的子集。如果对于 R 的任意一个关系r,对于r中的任意两个元组 t1 和 t2 ,只要 t1 和 t2 在 X 上的值相等,那么它们在 Y 上的值也相等,那么我们就说 Y 在 X 上函数依赖,记作 X->Y

K is a superkey for R ↔ K -> R

K is a candidate key for R ↔ K->R and no αK,   R


R 满足第一范式 ↔ R的所有属性的域都是原子的。